Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Firearm Deer Hunting Season 2015

And yet another season falls upon us.

Firearm Deer Hunting Season!

We have been busy getting things ready for next week. Sunday is the first day of the firearm deer hunting season. It will last for two weeks here in Michigan. 

This week we swept out our blinds (those mice find sneaky ways to be squatters in our blinds during off season), tested our heaters (I had a problem one year - the mice built a nest in my heater and it started on fire - You can read more about that mishap HERE), and went through our hunting clothes and all the bells and whistles that go along with the sport. Tomorrow we'll go out for supplies and such essentials like batteries for camp, and sight in our guns. Oh yeah, I still need my license, too.

Whew, lots of preparations, but so worth it. Really worth it if one of us harvests a deer!

Oh, and I have some baking to do.

Now I'm getting that butterfly feeling - will I get everything done in time? Have everything we need? Enough food? See a buck? Why am I writing this post when I have so much to do?

Steve has already informed me I may not take as much "stuff" to camp as I did last year.


This year I'll leave behind all those throw pillows and doilies.

You may have seen these pics on Instagram but I'll share again. Here are a few photos I took of the sky this past weekend back in the woods by our blinds.

I was hoping to get a shot of a rainbow but no success.

And on November 6, this little grandpuppy of ours turned one!

He is the wallpaper on my phone and I smile every time. 

He is so spoiled loved.

Happy Birthday Gus! See you in a few weeks!!

And good luck to all you hunters out there! Stay safe!

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