Thursday, May 7, 2015

Counting the Days...

The dogs and I took our walk a few days ago and I wanted to share with you the beautiful spring day!

There wasn't a cloud in the sky!

Well, I guess there was a cloud or two floating over the canyon. Steve and I took our last ATV mountain ride for the year. It makes me sad, Wyoming is so awesome, yet I'm ready for my beautiful UP and Yooper friends.

Do you see the top of the cabin?

There it is, our home sweet home for the past 2 1/2 months.

Very soon we will be filling that white trailer up with all of our stuff and head back east and north.


But having these guys coming out of hibernation helps.We found this dead Bullsnake on the road by Lake DeSmet. They are nonvenomous. However, I guess they bite hard.  The biggest Bullsnake can get up to 8 feet long and weigh just under 10 pounds. They are easily mistaken for Rattlesnakes but don't have the rattle at the end of their tail. Locals tell us not to kill the Bullsnakes because they keep Rattlesnakes at bay.


Good to know.

Time to go home.

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