Wednesday, January 23, 2013

No More Winter Blues!

Ike                                      Bear
Things were getting pretty boring around here without the snow to play in. So to pass the time, I made the dogs pose pretty for pictures. Neither one of them seemed too pleased to be my entertainment.


Just about everyday we've received 2-3 inches and it is once again gorgeous! Hulbert, Paradise, and the Soo also got hit hard. Yes, it has been very cold -- expecting 12 below tonight, but if we dress warm in many layers, we can still enjoy outdoor winter activities.

Our son and his girlfriend drove up and over through Wisconsin for the long weekend, and we packed quite a bit into the few days we had to spend together.

Lindsey & Riley

They did some snowmobiling in the area Saturday morning, then we all got into the truck and headed to the restaurant in Hulbert to show Lindsey where they feed the deer.

We were able to get a seat by the window and ordered lunch. This little guy/girl came over to check the corn trough which is right under the window and was empty. So then it decided to check out what we were eating.

There was plenty of hay, but the deer prefer corn.

Soon the trough was filled and the deer cautiously emerged from the woods...

...and gobbled it up.

It was AMAZING, and as the corn disappeared, the deer scattered, returning with full stomachs to their spots in the woods to take a nap. So we returned home, packed up some munchies and the dogs, and headed to the log cabin down by the river.

Ready to go!

The cabin wasn't rented for the weekend, so we took advantage of that and built us a bonfire by the river.

It has been so cold the river is freezing but still beautiful.

Ike by the river...It snowed most of the time! Steve and Riley ended up grooming Saturday night and didn't get back home until 3:30 a.m.

We received even more snow overnight, so Sunday afternoon Steve plowed out the neighbor's and the groomer barn driveway, while we strapped on our snow shoes and went for a walk. Dogs, too!

I had a little trouble keeping up with the young folk. 
(I COULD blame it on the fact I was taking pictures, but that wouldn't be the truth.)

Just a fantastic day with all the fresh snowfall and blue skies. 

It was so nice to finally have the snow back to go snowshoeing, Steve and I went yesterday, too.

It was such a fun weekend with these two!

The dogs enjoyed spending time with them, too!
They LOVE company!

One last picture to show you all the snowfall. 
I've been knocking the snow off the feeders so the birds can get to the seed, but the snow keeps piling up!

We're NOT complaining!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Sky Art

I am convinced that if we were all given a blank canvas and attempted to paint a sky from scratch, they would all be perfect, because the very same sky we all look at everyday can transform into any unimaginable priceless piece of art as it designs with the elements of weather, science, and God.

Sunrise emerging out of Lake Huron

Down our road this past Fall

A hole in the sky

Lake effect snow clouds fight with the sun for dominance

Beam me up, Scotty?

Hulbert at sunset

All blue for as far as one can see over Lake Superior

All is quiet at dusk at the nearby Beaver Pond

Splashes of Pinks

Fluffy clouds over Sheep Mountain, Wyoming

Update: Things around here are looking much better but very cold. This morning we awoke to 3 degrees. Steve and another groomer are down at the groomer barn fixing a light on the groomer. Steve is going to groom tonight, and the trails will be groomed by someone else Saturday night. 

We have seen a few sledders go by. The trails aren't too bad, it's just getting in and out of town that remain to be a struggle. We are suppose to get 1 - 2 inches of new snow today, and received 2 inches yesterday, but north of here the Lake Superior shoreline should get up to 8 inches. Paradise will no longer look like the last post!! In our area, when the snow is all said and done, we should have close to 8 fresh inches of snow by tomorrow night!! Yay!!

(Drive safely Riley and Lindsey!)

Check out John Dee's long term graphic forecast for next week.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Winter Blues...

How did we go from this... this? Above is the Paradise snowmobile trail as of Saturday. But now we hear that they have received some lake effect snow in the amount of 4 inches. Nice, but it still is going to take some time before the trails become smooth and ride-able.

Saturday the temperature hit 50 degrees and it was extremely windy with the wind coming from the west so no waves here looking east over Lake Superior.

Our trail held up pretty good but is in desperate need of more snow. The weatherman says the rest of the week should bring a few inches here and there.

Yesterday we went for a walk and discovered trees down on the trail...

...and puddles along the edge.

Rushing water,

creeks unfreezing,

and more trees down.

Steve did his best to clean up, but then came back later on his snowmobile with the chainsaw.

After our walk, Ike and Bear decided to do a little red squirrel hunting.

Do the snow dance!
 (In case you don't know how, it's kinda like the Snoopy dance.)