Friday, December 1, 2017

Reflections From November

Well, today is December 1, 2017. How did we get here so fast I wonder? I didn't blog once in November. Oh, I thought about it all the time, but it was a busy month. And I'm going to share with you a few reasons why it was a busy blessed month.

On October 30 this little peanut arrived into the world at 6:32 pm.

Meet Harper Kay VanDyke - our first grandchild!

Such a miracle and a blessing. Her due date to arrive was supposed to be Thanksgiving Day but she decided she wanted to enjoy Thanksgiving and Halloween with her family in little person.


She was 5# 5 oz. when she was born. Yesterday she weighed in at 7# 6 oz.

November was also a busy month because we spent much time at deer camp. The dogs love deer camp.

All situated in my deer blind.

I got my buck opener morning. So I really spent lots of time at camp rather than in my blind. 

Meat in the freezer!

Steve also got a buck. But for some reason we just didn't take a pic. Maybe it was because we were very tired after dragging that bad boy through all the water and then back to camp. We didn't have a four-wheeler handy so we went with plan B.

Or maybe it was because his was a three point and mine was a six. 

More meat in the freezer!

And now, for the last three days, I've been canning herring that we caught in June and July.  We love this stuff!

Fish in the pantry!

(I don't have a pantry...did I ever tell you how small our house is? Ha! My pantry is under our bed :))

Happy shopping, wrapping, baking, and decorating everyone! Happy December!


Pssst...not all the above pics were taken by me, but they were taken by family members.