Tuesday, February 7, 2017

My Feathered Friends

I was trying to take pictures of my feathered friends, but they wouldn't sit still long enough for the shots to come in clear.

I started feeding the birds out here when we arrived at the end of December.

It took them about one week to figure it out.

Now they are here all the time.

I know this shot is crooked but I get a kick out of  the finch on the bottom left. Does he have snow on his nose? er...beak?

Some of my male finches are really getting their yellow on.

I have juncos, chickadees and finches. There are magpies all over the area but they eat meat like the eagles. Love my feathered friends until they fly into the window and feathers go flying. That's not too pretty.

1 comment:

  1. I love these bird pictures. That's one thing l missed since we moved. was my birds at the lake.😩😩😔😔 oh well l will enjoy your pictures Thanks FL


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