Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Sun is Shining!

It is a beautiful sunny day in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan! 

Do you see the snow/ice in the above picture ready to slide off our roof?

So often we don't see the sun and the sky will match the grayness of the ground and there won't be any color - only hues of grey it seems. But today is bright, the sky is blue, the trees all received a fresh blanket of snow from the other night's "snowstorm". We were suppose to receive 6-7 inches but actually only three inches fell, however it lightly snowed yesterday and last evening so we maybe have another inch. The snowmobile trails are in great shape but probably won't be by the time the weekend is over. The I-500 snowmobile race is this weekend in the Soo and the trails are already getting busy.

But the sun is shining!

Steve has been out plowing.

Ike and Bear are taking a nap in front of the wood burner.

They had enough playtime this morning as you can tell by all of the paw prints in the picture before this one.

Our backyard snow pile.

We are off to the Soo to run a few errands and to check out all the town's activities and excitement for the upcoming race. I'm taking my camera so you might get to see some of the fun, too.

And I'm still working on those deer photos. I finally sorted through the 200 I took over the last couple of weeks!

And I rode along again with Steve in the groomer last night through the Hiawatha National Forest after the recent snow. I'll share those photos tomorrow or Saturday.


1 comment:

  1. Looked so pretty with the sun shining. U sure got the snow. Pretty to see in the pictures.


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